Tuesday, September 20, 2011

One Last Night With Jim

When the plane arrived at the airport, the passengers were asked to remain in their seats.  Many looked outside and watched the family and friends gather below as a detachment of Marines climbed into the cargo hold, then offloaded a flag- draped casket.

Later that night Kathy said she did not want to  leave.  She asked the Marine commander if she could sleep next to her husband.

Within seconds several Marines appeared and made a bed for Kathy.  They tucked in her bed sheets just below the edge of the flag.  As she laid on her makeshift bed, Kathy opened her laptop and began to quietly play some songs she had downloaded as she looked at pictures she had saved on her computer.

As she looked at the photos and listened to the music, a Marine walked over and asked if she still wanted them to continue their watch.  Kathy took a deep breath, touched the casket and said, "I think that would be nice.  I think that's what Jim would have wanted."

The Marines stayed that night, all of them.  They took their turns standing watch as Kathy got her wish to spend one last night with Jim.

Semper Fi

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