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Thursday, February 2, 2017

All The Mayor Wanted Was a Quickie

A Mayor from Texas went to attend the Annual Mayor’s Conference which was held in Wisconsin. While in Dairy State the Mayor he entered a small restaurant that served beer.  The hostess seated him at a table and handed him a menu and said your waitress will be with you shortly.  Sure enough in a few minutes an attractive waitresses walked over and asked, "What would you like, sir?" 

The Mayor put down the menu - looked at the waitress. He starred at her beautiful complexion, her amazing facial features and her stunning figure. Then he smiled and said "I think I would like to have a quickie”?

Not amused the waitress turned around and walked away in disgust. After she regained her composure she returned to his table a few minutes later and asked again, "Sir, what would you like?"  The Mayor flashed her another broad smile and answered, "a quickie" is what I really want.

This time the waitress' anger took over; she reached out and slapped the Mayor across the face as hard as she could.  The result was a resounding "SMACK!" and then she stormed away.

An elderly gentleman who was sitting at the next table, sipping on a glass beer overhead everything that transpired.  He leaned over to the young man and said "your not from these pars are you?".  "No I am not, I am from Texas and I am up here on official business."  "I thought so said the gentle; well up here in Wisconsin we pronounce it 'quiche', ". 

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